One Leg at a Time

a close encounter of the third kind.

Monday, October 16, 2006

One Leg at a Time
So, It is raining, and I drive a scooter. Well, I woke up this morning to the pitter patter of little rain drops on the roof, and I burrowed deeper into my warm blankets trying to delay the inevitable. Once I was prepared to brave the elements, after a bowl of total cereal with strawberries (which I picked b/c of its high concentration of vitamin E) and one and a half episodes of the nanny, I proceeded to donn my armor. I wore my boyfriends huge black rain jacket and my black helmet with visor. These two protective garmets kept me almost completely dry, although I must have been quite a site. A figure in black trudging through the waters...on a two and a half foot 49cc moped. Well, I may not be the night rider, but I was proud of how my little scooter sliced through the sprinkling rain at a mighty 30 mph. I attained my destination unscathed and am happy to note that my red and tan night rider is also none-the-worse for the wear.


At 1:33 PM, Blogger Henry Wright said...

Congratulations, you made it on the infamous Olser's Gillette. That's some pretty rough company.



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